Our Core Staff will hold training sessions as needed, which averages out to at least twice monthly. Notifications of these training sessions will be announced via email on the mri-scan and small bore lists. If you have not done so already- please sign up for the appropriate list to get scanning updates. Go to: http://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/martinos/userInfo/operations/mailingLists.php to sign up.
Our training system consists of the levels below:
- Yellow = In Training (for all areas)
- Green = Certified Scanner for human scanning on Bays 1-8
- Navy Blue = Certified Scanner for Animal scanning on the Small Bore scanners.
- Light Blue = Certified user of the surgical prep-room.
The descriptions of each role are below. We have developed this system so we can better keep track of what level each person is at in his or her training, as well as to ensure that each person has received the proper training to work around a MRI scanner.
***If you do not have a badge, you should not be in the scanning bays or prep rooms, you can and will be asked to leave***
Badges usually take up to 3-4 business days to make. Our Core staff will send out an email to the mri-scan/small-bore list notifying you that your badge is ready. Badges may be picked up in the main patient waiting area in building 149.
The Technical staff reserves the right to refuse anyone permission to operate the magnets.
- Description of Training Levels
II. Training Program Contents
III. Evaluation and Certification Procedure
IV. Center Record Keeping
I.Description of Training Levels
- Yellow = In Training: This is a person who is present during the scan session and is in training to learn the finer details of running the scanner. This yellow, “In Training” badge allows the person to assist with the setup of the subject in the magnet room, setup and run the stimulus and scanner equipment, and to assist in an emergency under the supervision of a person at the Certified Level status.
- Green = Certified Scanner for the regular bays
- Dark Blue = Small Bore Scanners**
- Light Blue = for the surgical prep room**
This person has completed the steps of the initial training and has been scanning with a member of their lab who is already certified to scan until the person in training becomes proficient in scanning and MRI safety. This process usually takes a around 4 months. For someone who is training for the regular scanning bays , human or nonhuman and feel like he/she is proficient with everything on the check off list and has been scanning around 4 months, then they are to email mri-time@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu to set up an appointment. One of them will then observe you during a scan session with a real subject to determine your qualification to become a “Certified Scanner”.
**If you are training to work the Small Bore Scanners or in the Surgical Prep Room- you need to speak with Christian Farrar (CFARRAR@mgh.harvard.edu) to set up appointments to be signed off.
II.Training Program Contents
- Research Data and Clinical Diagnosis
Subjects participating in research experiments should be advised beforehand that the imaging data to be acquired is not equivalent to a diagnostic work-up. This should be stressed verbally and stated explicitly in the informed consent document. Similarly, when a research subject asks, “So does my brain look OK?” the investigator’s response should be to reiterate the above.
For certain studies (especially those involving clinical populations, MGH patients, or others for whom the likelihood of discovering abnormalities is high), it is recommended (and sometimes required by the IRB) that arrangements be made by the PI for clinical readings of all MR scans acquired. For these studies, a procedure for acquiring appropriate images and handling clinical situations should be included in the research protocol, and explained in the informed consent document.
- If an Abnormality is Suspected
If you suspect an abnormality during a scanning session, contact mri-time@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu , they will look at the images and contact a radiologist if necessary. If clinical follow-up is recommended, the radiologist (and not the researcher) should convey this to the subject.
If you are scanning after hours and no one is available for immediate consultation, the researcher should e-mail mri-time@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu with the subjects ID and our Core staff will have a radiologist review the images ASAP.
The researcher should never discuss the potential abnormality with the subject before a radiologist has been consulted and a medical professional has explained the situation to the subject.
III. Deciding to Terminate the Study
The researcher may or may not decide to terminate the study. In either case, care should be taken not to alarm the subject. The potential brain abnormality should not be discussed with the subject at this time.
- Additional Information
If additional questions arise concerning a specific case, the investigator may seek the advice of the MGH Human Subjects Optimum Care Committee (617-726-2988).
If a subject does not have insurance or cannot pay for recommended medical services, they may contact the MGH Social Services Office (617-726-2640).
- Contact