TMS basic safety training


When: Tuesday July 23, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Where: Conference Room 2204, 2nd Floor, 149 13th St., Charlestown

Course Instructors: Aapo Nummenmaa, Lucia Navarro de Lara, Mohammad Daneshzand, Evgenii Kim, Netri Pajankar

Part 1: TMS Physics, Background & Physiology (Aapo Nummenmaa) – NEW USERS 

Part 2: Overview of TMS (Mohammad Daneshzand, Lucia Navarro de Lara)

  • Stimulators, Coils, Navigators, Modeling (Mohammad Daneshzand)
  • EEG, TMS/EEG, EEG/fMRI (Lucia Navarro de Lara)

Lunch: 1:00 – 2:00pm

Part 3: TMS Safety and Protocols (Aapo Nummenmaa, Netri Pajankar) – MANDATORY 

  • Safety guidelines, FDA and IRB regulations (Aapo Nummenmaa)
  • Martinos TMS policies, operations, and lab etiquette (Netri Pajankar)
  • Setting up a TMS study at the Martinos Center (Netri Pajankar)

Part 4: Demo of a TMS session (Aapo Nummenmaa, Mohammad Daneshzand, Evgenii Kim)

Background materials to be read before the course:

For parts 1 & 2:

Ilmoniemi R J, Ruohonen J and Karhu J 1999 Transcranial magnetic stimulation – a new tool for functional imaging of the brain. Critical reviews in biomedical engineering 27 241-84.

For part 3:

Rossi S, Hallett M, Rossini P M, Pascual-Leone A and Group S o T C 2009 Safety, ethical considerations, and application guidelines for the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation in clinical practice and research. Clinical neurophysiology: official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology 120 2008-39.

Presentation Slides can be accessed here