Martinos Center Policy and Procedures MRI and PET IV injections

Martinos Center Policy and Procedures MRI and PET IV injections

 Protocol for Medical Coverage During PET/MR and MRI Scans Involving the Use of Radiopharmaceutical Tracers, Contrast Agent (Gadolinium) and/or IRB Approved Study Drugs.


To describe the process of obtaining and providing medical coverage for PET/MR and MRI scans involving the use of radiopharmaceutical tracers, contrast agent such as Gadolinium and IRB approved study drugs.


radiopharmaceutical, nuclear medicine, tracers, contrast agent, Gadolinium, safety, medical coverage, arterial line, study coordinator, research assistant, primary investigator, MD, nurse practitioner, medical personnel, subject, nursing service request, institutional review board (IRB), study drugs.


A nurse practitioner (NP) shall obtain medical coverage, physician (MD) or NP coverage, for all human studies involving the use of PET/MR and MRI scans with radiopharmaceutical tracers, contrast agent(Gadolinium) and/or IRB approved study drugs per the request of the study coordinator, research assistant, and/or primary investigator. The staff of the Martinos Center will ensure protection of subjects’ rights (including and not limited to safety) by providing medical coverage during all PET/MR and MRI scans of human subjects involving the use of radiopharmaceutical tracers, contrast agent (Gadolinium) and /or IRB approved study drugs.


  1. Requesting medical coverage before confirming scan with the subject

1.1. Study coordinators, research assistants, and primary investigators shall be responsible for submitting a nursing service request online through the CTRU’s EMS scheduler to obtain medical coverage for any PET/MR and/or MRI scan involving the use of radiopharmaceutical tracers, contrast agents such as Gadolinium and/or IRB approved study drugs.

1.1.1. An NP at the CTRU will arrange for medical coverage (MD or NP) per the request of the study coordinator, research assistant, and/or primary investigator and will confirm such coverage with study staff.

1.2. If medical coverage (MD, NP) cannot be obtained, the NP will notify the study coordinator, research assistant, and/or primary investigator who will reschedule the subject at an appropriate time.

  1. Physician/NP coverage

2.1 Medical personnel (MD/NP) can provide medical coverage for as many as, but not limited to, four PET/MR scans using radiopharmaceutical tracers, contrast agent (Gadolinium), and/or IRB approved study drugs.

2.1.1 An MD who is performing a scan can provide medical coverage for scans being done in other areas/bays only when a second person is present at the console, performing the scan with the MD. If the MD is the only person at the console performing the scan, he/she may not provide medical coverage for scans occurring in other areas/bays.

2.2. An NP who is covering a PET scan with an arterial line can provide medical coverage for another non arterial line scan in an adjacent bay but may not provide coverage for scans occurring in other areas while monitoring an arterial line.

2.2.1. An NP cannot provide medical coverage for two scans using arterial lines simultaneously