Don’t miss data when exporting on Bay 1, Bay 4 and Bay 8!


  • Images/dicoms may not be available immediately after the last scan finishes.
  • If you export images before they are all ready, you will be missing data.


  • WAIT for all images to be ready before exporting (to Bourget or anything else).
  • The following slides illustrate how to determine if images are ready for export.

Patient Browser Indicators to Watch:

Images not ready for Export

In the Patient Browser, the “Study Archived” (left) or “Series Archived” (right) fields have an icon indicating if archiving has not started, is in progress, or is finished.  Archiving starts after the Patient Browser receives all images for a series.  The icon highlighted on this slide indicates that archiving has not started.  If archiving has not started, more images are expected by Patient Browser.  If an Export is started now, images received after the Export started will be missing from your export destination (e.g., Bourget).


This icon indicates archiving has not started yet. Not all images expected for the series (right) have been received.

Images ready for Export

The icon highlighted in the bottom left square indicates archiving is in process.  The icon highlighted in the bottom right square indicates archiving is complete.  Both of these icons indicate the Patient Browser is not expecting any more images from the scanner.

These two icons mean archiving has started (left) or completed (right). Patient Browser is not expecting any more images.

Exam Indicators to Watch

Top left of Exam screen: protocol queue

These icons indicate a scan is still in progress and image reconstruction is not complete. Images are not ready for export.

Bottom left of Exam screen: Scan time remaining

Expected number of instances. You can check that this number matches the number of instances in the Patient Browser before Exporting.