Mailing Lists

Seminars & Journal Clubs
boston-neurotalks Boston area neuroscience talks
Brain Connectivity Journal Club Brain-connectivity Journal Club mainling list
BrainMap Weekly speaker series
martinos-dev Software engineering journal club. Currently inactive. Looking for someone to host this club.
MartinoSCAN Journal club for cognitive and affective neuroimagers
meg-analysis MEG users meetings and discussion forum
MI-seminar Molecular imaging seminar series
Physio Data Club
Positron Mailing list that will be useful for communicating with other PET isotope users and for announcements about PET-related equipment and access.
whynhow Seminar series for RAs and postdocs

Discussion Forums

homer-users Discussion forum for users of Homer optical imaging platform
martinos-hpc Martinos High Performance Computing discussion forum
martinos-python Mailing list for Python users at the Martinos Center
martinos-ruby Mailing list for Ruby users at the Martinos Center
martinos-tech fMRI analysis discussion forum
meg_analysis MEG analysis discussion forum
mi2b2 Developers of the mi2b2 Enabled Pediatric Radiological Decision
mi2b2-users Users of the mi2b2 workbench
young_investigators Discussion forum for young investigators
writing Discussion forum for talking about writing about science

Announcements and Information

14T Information specifically for users of 14T spectrometer
15T Information specifically for users of 15T spectrometer
batch-users Information on use of the NMR computing cluster (launchpad)
bay5scan Information specifically for users of the 7T magnet in bay 5
bldg120 Information and announcements for people using Building 120
bldg75 Information and announcements for people using Building 75
icepuff-users Coordination of use of the icepuff machines
martinos-faculty For Martinos Center appointed faculty only
martinos-ras Research Assistant Discussion Forum
martinos-students Student Discussion Forum
MEGscan Information for all MEG users
mri-scan (formerly smsscan) Information for all MR systems users
newsletter Mailing list for the quarterly Martinos Center newsletter
optics Information and announcements for members of the Optics Division
small-bore Information specifically for users of small bore MR systems
tmsscan Information and announcements regarding the TMS laboratory

Support Lines

Core-Info General questions about Martinos Center Imaging Core Facilities & Services
Freesurfer Support Support Mailing List for FreeSurfer software package
FsFast Helpline Support Mailing List for FS-Fast software package
help Questions about Martinos Center I.T. and computing
howto General (non-computing) questions about how to get things done at the Martinos Center (i.e. office space, timesheets, etc.)
Linux-Users Questions about using Linux computers
Mac-Users Questions about using MacIntosh computers
MNE_Analysis Discussion and support of MNE software
Windows-Users Support Mailing List for users of Microsoft Windows


community A way to keep in touch with your fellow Martinos Center employees about social gatherings and all things not related to the pursuit of scientific research