MR Safety Training



Obtaining A New MR Scanning Badge

For NEW Yellow Large Bore Badges  (Bays 1-8)

  1. Complete the Health Stream Trainings (HERE)
  2. Fill out the Employee Screening form (*If you have already completed the screening form for a small bore badge please do not fill out again)
  3. Sign up (HERE) and attend one Safety Training with the MR Techs in person, in Bay 1.

* Health Stream trainings and Employee Screening Forms MUST be completed 1 week prior to the in-person Safety Training. If Health Stream training and/or Employee Screening Forms have not been completed 1 week before in-person training, you will not be allowed to attend the in-person training and will have to sign up for another in-person training after trainings and forms have been completed.

*If you have already filled out the screening form for a small bore yellow badge please do not fill out the form again. You may skip this step.

There is a limit of 20 spots per Safety Training. The first 20 people will get priority. If space fills up we will email you and you will be put on the list for the next Safety Training.

At the end of the in-person Safety Training, employees will receive their new Yellow Large Bore Training Badge.


For NEW Yellow Small Bore Badges  (4.7T, 9.4T, 11.7T, 14T)

  1. Complete the Health Stream Trainings (HERE)
  2. Fill out the Employee Screening form. (*If you have already completed the screening form for a large bore badge please do not fill out again)
  3. Sign up (HERE) and attend one Safety Training with the Pre-Clinical Safety Team

* Health Stream trainings and Employee Screening Forms MUST be completed 1 week prior to the in-person Safety Training. If Health Stream training and/or Employee Screening Forms have not been completed 1 week before in-person training, you will not be allowed to attend the in-person training and will have to sign up for another in-person training after trainings and forms have been completed.

*If you have already filled out the screening form for a large bore yellow badge please do not fill out the form again. You may skip this step.

There is a limit of 20 spots per Safety Training. The first 20 people will get priority. If space fills up we will email you and you will be put on the list for the next Safety Training.

If you need access to the small and large bore scanners you will need to go through BOTH the Yellow Small Bore Badge AND the Yellow Large Bore Badge processes.

At the end of the in-person Safety Training, employees will receive their new Yellow Small Bore Training Badge.


For NEW Green Badges

  1. You must hold a Yellow Large Bore Training Badge (previously called the Yellow Badge) for 4 months
  2. Complete the HealthStream Trainings (HERE)
  3. Email MRI-time to schedule your Green Badge test (same as before).

*Optional Green Badge Boot Camp: You can book a Green Badge Boot Camp by signing up (HERE). This is an in-person training with the MR Techs on to review the competencies on the Green Badge Test.


For NEW Navy Badges

  1. You must have had 6 scan sessions and had a Navy Badge holder sign off that they observed you.
  2. Email Ethan French and Chris Farrar to schedule your Navy Badge Test. This is similar to the green badge test. The Pre-Clinical Safety team will observe one of your scan sessions.


Zero Tolerance Policy

Breaching Safety Protocols:

Starting April 1st 2024 the center will have a new Zero Tolerance policy for breaching safety protocols. If someone is observed breaking one of these safety rules your badge access will be revoked.

In order to re-obtain your badge access you will need to attend the Yellow-Badge Safety training again with the MR Techs and you will be charged for the hour of scan time.

Safety Protocol that need to be followed at all times:

  • Scanning without the necessary staff being present
  • Leaving the bay unattended with the door to the magnet room (Zone IV) open
  • Bringing unapproved equipment into the magnet room (Zone IV)
  • Improper staff attire when at the scanner (open toed shoes, dress shoes with ferrous materials, etc.)
  • Not adhering to our patient/volunteer attire & patient padding policies (if ignored, could cause burns or artifacts)
    • Not using required 1cm padding
  • Ignoring the alarm on the metal detectors
  • Not wanding the subject prior to bringing them into zone IV
  • Lab members present in the console room that do not have a badge
  • MRI screening forms not signed prior to imaging

See something Say Something:

There are QR codes placed around the bays for you to report concerns that you see. If you see a concern, say something. Your response can be anonymous. We don’t want to get people in trouble but if we discover multiple people making the same mistake maybe we can do something about this.

Annual Recertification

Each year you will get an email reminder to:

  1. Complete HealthStream Trainings

*You will have 1 month to complete this (same as MGB policy)

  1. Attest that your MR Screening form information has not changed or update it if it has (this will come in an automated email to you).

MR Safety Retraining

What is happening?

The Martinos Center revamped our MR Safety Training. This happened from March 1st 2024 to May 1st 2024. If you have lost your access to the bays as of May 1st 2024 it means you did not complete the MR Recertification.

Steps to complete your MR Safety Recertification:

1. All Hands MR Safety Webinar hosted by Bruce. 

Please take the time to watch the webinar here:

Once you finish watching the webinar please attest that you have watched the webinar by filling out this form.

2. MR Safety Screening REDCap Form

Please fill out this form with your information to ensure that it is safe for you to operate around the MR machines. Your response will be reviewed by the MR Safety committee, and you will get a copy of their response. Please fill this out ASAP if you need access to the any of the scanners in May.  The MR Techs will email you once your form has been reviewed.

3. HealthStream Training

Please complete the necessary HealthStream Trainings. These are not assigned to you.


What happens if I didn’t complete my trainings/safety form by May 1st?

Your access will be revoked until you complete them. Once you complete the three steps for the recertification, your access will be reinstated.

 If I scan in both small bore and large bore bays do I need to complete both trainings?

Yes. There will be HealthStream training for Large Bore and Small Bore access. If you need access to both you must complete both training.

What if I don’t need access to the bays right now? Do I need to complete the trainings now?

No. If you are not currently scanning you can complete the trainings at any time prior to when you need access to the bays.

What if I got my Green/Yellow badge after April 1st? Do I still need to do the recertification?

No. Recertification is only for those who held a scanning badge prior to April 1st 2024.

How do I book a Yellow Badge Safety Training?

You can sign up for the yellow badge safety training here. There is no cost to this.

How do I book a Green Badge Boot Camp Training?

You can sign up for the Green badge boot camp training here. There is no cost to this.

What happens if I am found breaking a safety rule?

If you are found to be in violation of one of the safety rules listed here, your badge access will be revoked and you will no longer be able to scan at the bays until you attend the in person MR Safety Training with the MR Techs. There will be a fee associated with this training. You (or your PI) can decide what account to charge this to.

What do I do if I just need general access to the bay but will not be involved with scanning?

If you need access to the bays you will need to get a yellow badge and go through the yellow badge training. This is to ensure that everyone in the MR areas is safe. 

How do I test to see if an item of clothing is OK to wear in the bays?

If you are unsure about whether an item of clothing is safe to wear in the bay please bring it to the MRI office and one of the techs will help you test it to see if it is safe to wear in the bays.

I have a collaborating lab member that wants to observe a scan is this allowed?

Everyone in the MR area is required to be safety trained. If you believe there is a special scenario please email the MR Techs with the relevant information and this will be decided on a case-by-case basis.