For any incidental finding concerns observed during a scan, we ask that labs follow the steps outlined below as a follow up plan.
When a potential incidental finding is identified, it is necessary to consult a radiologist to determine if follow-up with the subject is needed. It is important to note that the researcher should never discuss the potential abnormality with the subject before a radiologist has been consulted and a medical professional has explained the situation to the subject. Typically to report a potential incidental finding, you would email Dr. Steven Stufflebeam (radiologist) for his impression:, and cc and your PI. At the start of the subject line type “Send Secure:” which adds an additional layer of encryption since you may be discussing the subject’s personal and medical information.
In the email, please include the following:
- Your lab
- A brief objective description of the possible finding
- Date and time of scan
- Scanner bay
- Subject ID (whatever you put in the “Last Name” field when you registered the patient on the scanner)
- The technologist(s)’ name who you consulted with during scan about the possible finding
Dr. Stufflebeam will follow up with a recommended course of action. It will be the study PI that will contact the subject with the findings and a recommendation on whether to schedule a clinical examination through their PCP.