7T- Screening Subjects for MRI Compatibility

 7 Tesla Magnets

The following is currently acceptable to scan at 7T: (*These items will still require to be signed off by a member of our Core Team)

  • Dental work such as fillings, crowns, caps or similar (composed of porcelain or amalgam)
  • Tattoos that are greater than two weeks old
  • Non-metallic medical implants that fall outside the RF transmission field, after safety review by core technologist


Subjects with the following may not be scanned at 7T: 

  • Permanent/semi-permanent makeup tattoos
  • Traditional tattoos less than two weeks old
  • Weight less than 66 lbs (FDA regulation)
  • Metallic cardiovascular implants (stents, closure devices, valves, etc..)


Subjects with the following are required to provide medical records that will need to undergo review by our Medical Safety committee to be scanned at 7T:

  • Any foreign implanted medical device

*Please note, implant review may take several business days.  Verbal descriptions of implants are not an acceptable substitute for medical records.