Tattoo Policy

All tattoos (permanent/semi-permanent/cosmetic) less than two weeks old will NOT be scanned.

Semi-permanent/cosmetic makeup tattoos are NOT approved for scanning at 7T

All subjects must complete an MRI screening form before every scan, including subjects who are scanned repeatedly.  Any “yes” responses to the MRI specific screening questions requires review and sign-off by one of the Imaging Core Technologists prior to scanning.

When requesting approval to scan subjects with tattoos, study staff must provide the following information:

  • age of tattoo(s)
  • location of tattoo(s)
  • scanner(s) being screened for
  • type of scan(s) being screened for

Tattoo(s) that fall within the RF transmission field (B1+) will also be approved with “Tattoo Precautions” required:

  • Study staff must inform subject of increased risk of warming, irritation, and burning at the site of the tattoo
  • The subject and the research staff member who is scanning (the green badge) must sign the form (Acknowledgement of Risks Associated with MRI and Tattoos) acknowledging that the subject is aware of any potential risks while being scanned with tattoo(s).
  • Subject must be alert and oriented, able to communicate and operate squeeze ball and have normal sensation in the tattooed area
  • Study staff must instruct subjects to alert the scan operator immediately if they experience any abnormal sensation(s) (e.g., heating, warmth, and/or discomfort) at the site of any tattoos.  The scan should be stopped, and the Martinos Imaging Core staff should be notified immediately to determine the proper course of action.  If warranted, subjects should present to the nearest emergency department for follow up treatment.
  • Study staff are required to closely monitor the subject, checking in after each scan (as often as possible).
  • To minimize the potential for RF induced heating to subjects, including regions where tattoo(s) are present, it is required to utilize positioning pads that provide a minimum distance of ≥1cm from the walls of the scanner bore.


Last reviewed on 4/3/23 by MMSC